Hiring a salesperson is a major investment.


It can be the game-changer your business needs, increasing revenue by seven figures, freeing leadership and injecting the profit to scale your business vision.

But it can also be a huge gamble. A recent survey found over 50% of sales hires don't successfully ramp up in a new role, and of those who do, many take a long time to hit targets.

You CAN the remove the risk and stress out of the process.


In just 20 minutes, our free Sales Hire ready session will help you to:

  Develop an objective hiring strategy
  Ramp up your salesperson fast 
  Achieve results more quickly
  Set your expectations and measure success
  Eliminate the risks and set yourself on the path for success.


Get Sales Hire Ready Now

Book your consultation with our strategy team to receive a personalised report with your Sales Hire Readiness status. You will also get actionable steps to hire the best person and give them a rapid ramp up to productivity.






If you want to work with a team of people who understand how to prepare a business to bring on sales team emple is it! Michael and Talila are passionate about putting the right sales team in the best environment to be successful. I believe their process and approach are simply the best way to put on sales team.
PJ Patterson, Founder
Keystone Financial
BLOWN AWAY. This review doesn't do justice to what the emple team helps you achieve. The outcomes include increased revenue, increased conversion, streamlined admin and user experience, increased personal confidence in the sales process, clarity on the value that we offer clients and loads more.
Siobhan Mullins, Principal
Separate Together
I have been really impressed with the emple approach to recruitment. We had been unsuccessful in attempting to find a suitable candidate. But when emple worked with us, using their ad writing style, Jotform and video we found the ideal employee.
Suzanne Kerwan
CEO, Kitome
The emple group has transformed my business. I didn't know what I didn't know and they have shown me how to create a system to generate, develop, close and nurture sales and customers. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Simon Boyes, Director
Benchmark Scaffolding
Talila and her team helped us navigate our product set and along the way the process crafted our proposition into something entirely new which opened up new doors previously unseen. The recruitment process was the most thorough I have ever experienced. Thank you.
Trish Nicklin
Shed Connect Media
emple have been fabulous to work with. I call them my silver bullet in helping me find the best sales talent for my organisation. They understand all elements of the brief and take the time to get the shortlist right.
Stella Petrou, Director
REO Group
GM Homes are VERY happy with emple, the team helped us find the most amazing BDM superstar and almost two years on we think we can safely say it will be a long term fit.
Michael Elder-Mitchell
GM Homes
emple, I want you all to know how much I have valued and appreciated this process! It's been an interesting, robust and full on learning experience for me. I think we have gotten the best person for our role and team and I look forward to working with Chris in the New Year to help our team to grow and scale to achieve the next part of our mission.
Julie Robertson, CEO
Specialisterne Australia
Performance of the office has gone through the roof, and for me the difference is enormous. The first person I’ve got from you has completed exceeded all my expectations.
Mark Richardson, Principal
The Realty Group
Good Morning Talila and Mike! Just wanted to reach out to you both. Yesterday we had our staff Christmas party. What an incredible team you have recruited for us this year.. we had 7 of them there yesterday.. a great bunch of guys. Thank you!
Doug Gregory, Director
Promotion Products
Our hire has been phenomenal, just a perfect culture fit. The sense of stability I experience is such a huge weight off our shoulders.
Glen Carlson, Co-founder
DENT Global

Talila Kroy clear background



Talila Kroy, co-founder of emple, has an award-winning 30-year career in client acquisition, sales and marketing. At emple, Talila and her team collaborate with visionary business leaders experiencing rapid growth. Their mission? To empower leaders to easily scale their sales.

They achieve this by crafting and documenting high-converting sales processes and training playbooks, supported by a systemised recruitment process to embed top-tier sales professionals and generate revenue.

Passionate about working with companies dedicated to environmental and social solutions, Talila's impressive portfolio includes assembling 45+ sales teams, elevating conversion rates by an average of 40% and empowering clients to achieve remarkable revenue growth of up to 4X. Numerous success stories stand as testament to her transformative impact.